Kikaty’s blog

All About Modern Cakes

Carrot cake - easy recipe

Let's take a tour across the Channel or then across the Atlantic, just to feast with "THE" recipe of their inevitable carrot cake that deserves a spotlight in this post. Some people will be surprised by the presence of grated carrots in a cake? But did you know that in medieval times, carrots served to sweeten pastries! This cake is so mellow and so delicious that I will only say one word: "test"!
Ingredients for the cake
250 g grated carrots
200 g flour
150 g of butter
150 g brown sugar
4 eggs
1/2 c. cinnamon powder
½ c. four spices
1 sachet of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C (th6).
Peel and grate the carrots very finely.
Melt the butter and let it warm.
In a salad bowl, mix the flour, brown sugar, spices, yeast and salt.
Stir in the eggs one by one then add the warm butter, the grated carrots and mix again.
Arrange a sheet of parchment paper in the bottom of a cake pan and pour the mixture into it.
Bake for about 45 to 50 minutes. Let cool on a rack then enjoy it with the cream.
For the cream
200 g of fromage frais (Philadelphia or Saint Môret type)
50 g icing sugar
The juice of half an orange
Whip the cream cheese with the icing sugar and juice of half an orange until you get a creamy consistency. Reserve the cream in the fridge before topping the top of the carrot cake.
just water but cool ... because with the high temperatures expected in the next few days we will need it!

Easy chocolate cake

Ultra-easy to cook and savor, we blend for this chocolate cake recipe, prepared with just 5 ingredients. On the menu, dark chocolate (obviously), butter, sugar, eggs and a hint of flour, are enough to prepare this delight. Ready to melt?


1 dark chocolate bar 125 g butter 125 g sugar
3 eggs 3 tablespoons flour


1. Preheat oven to 180 °. Melt the chocolate in pieces in a bain-marie or microwave.
2. Cut the butter and melt it too.
3. In a bowl, break the eggs and put the sugar. Mix well until the mixture becomes slightly foamy.
4. Add the butter, stir.
5. Add the melted chocolate, mix.
6. Stir in the flour little by little.
7. Butter a mold and pour in the dough.
8. Bake for 20 minutes, checking regularly.


This easy chocolate cake dough can also be used for mellowness. For this, put it in muffin pans and bake at 180 ° for 8 to 10 min. Fluffy that can be used immediately to enjoy their flowing heart, but can also cool, and style a whirlwind of ganache mounted (cupcake) at the time of service.

You can also replace dark chocolate with milk chocolate, sugar with brown sugar, and butter with half-salted butter.

History of Cake

Cake into History

In ancient Egypt, cakes-like pastries are deposited in the graves of the deceased. The Greeks make cheesecakes made from goat's milk while the Romans sometimes enrich their pasta bread made from barley flour with butter, eggs, grapes or honey, pastry resembling cake and found on birthday tables or in the canteen of legionaries.

The modern cake is probably inspired by pastries brought by the Crusaders of the Holy Land. The English make it a specialty of Easter and Christmas and serve it for weddings.